

Recommended optimal values for a medium-sized person. In the case of large or athletic people, 10 to 25% higher values of anabolic hormones, such as IGF 1, DHEA-sulphate, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and possibly oestradiol and progesterone, are probably more appropriate. The opposite should be applied for slimmer and small people.

As far as DHEA-sulphate is concerned: if the results of your analyses are expressed in micrograms per decilitre (µg/dl), they have to be multiplied by 10 to obtain the value in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml). If your DHEA-sulphate rate is expressed in micrograms per decilitre (µg/dl), it has to be multiplied by 347 to obtain the value in nanograms per millilitre (ng/ml).

Click here to see the conversion table

Toxic mineral rates available here

Trace elements available here

Hormone Rates

Hormones Fiches Valeurs optimales Valeurs pathologiques Comments
ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone) view 40 pg/ml < 20 ou > 80 pg/ml It mainly stimulates cortisol, androgen and also aldosterone production. It plays a role in melanogenesis and in allergic and inflammatory phenomena.
Aldosterone view 170 pg/ml < 100 pg/ml It regulates the Na+ and K+ balance, where it controls kidney functions, in the body. Excess aldosterone causes a drop in potassium that is eliminated in urine.
Androstenedione view 1,6 ng/ml < 1,3 ng/ml One of the stages of the formation of male hormones.
Calcitonin view 8 pg/ml < 4 pg/ml Secreted by the thyroid gland, it acts in the bones, where it blocks resorption. Calcium absorption is increased.
Free cortisol (8 hours) view 20 ng/ml < 14 ng/ml It rapidly alleviates inflammatory phenomena and stimulates the immune system. It releases energy reserves.
DHEA-S   400 µg/dl (H)
275 µg/dl (F)
< 250 µg/dl (H)
< 200 µg/dl (F)
Produced by the adrenal glands, it is the most abundant hormone in the body.
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) view 675 pg/ml (H)
250 pg/ml (F)
< 500 pg/ml (H)
< 150 pg/ml (F)
It belongs to the androgen hormone family.
EPO (Erythropoietin) view   < 500 UI/L Secreted by the kidneys. It stimulates the production of red blood cells and improves physical performances.
Oestradiol (21st day of the menstrual cycle) view 20-25 pg/ml (H)
150 pg/ml (F)
> 35 pg/ml (H)
< 110 pg/ml (F)
Produced by the ovaries, the main female hormone.
FSH (folliculostimulant)   3 mIU/ml (H)
5 mIU/ml (F)
> 7 mIU/ml (H)
> 12 mIU/ml (F)
It is produced in the hypothalamus and stimulates pituitary secretion of the folliculo-stimulating hormone.
GH (growth hormone) Simulated by GHRH, insulin, L-Dopa, etc.   > 25 ng/ml < 10 ng/ml
> 465 pmol/l
Secreted by the pituitary gland. It stimulates growth and regulates nutritional balance. It has an anabolic effect on proteins.
IGF-BP-3 (Insulin-like growth factor Binding protein-3)   3000 µg/l > 3700 µg/l Growth factor similar to insulin. It is the transmitter that allows the growth hormone to develop its protein and anabolic action.
Insulin view 5 (< 10) µU/ml < 4 ou > 10 µU/ml Secreted by the pancreas. It keeps the blood sugar at an optimal level. Type 1 diabetes (insulindependant): lack of insulin in the blood. The person gets progressively thinner. Type 2 diabetes: due to an excess of insulin, the person become obese as he gets older.
LH (Luteinizing hormone)   4 mlU/ml (H)
4 mlU/ml (F)
2 < ou
> 8 mlU/ml (H)
2 < ou
> 15 mlU/mll (F)
In women: it actives the maturing of the ovary follicule In men: it acts on the seminal line.
Parathormone   25 pg/ml < 15 ou > 50 pg/ml It regulates the body's calcium balance. In strong doses, it causes the resorption of the bone by releasing calcium and phosphates. It also plays a role in the acid-base balance.
Pregnenolone   150 pg/ml < 100 pg/ml Precursor to corticosteroids hormones.
Progesterone (F: 21st day of the cycle) view 15 ng/ml < 11 ng/ml Produced by the ovaries and placenta in women, and by testicles in men. It encourages the implantation and development of the fertilised egg. It is a mood regulator and it balances the effect of oestrogen.
Prolactin   10 ng/ml   After childbirth, it triggers milk secretion and inhibits menstruation.
Insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF-1)   325 µg/l (H)
280 µg/l (F)
< 220 µg/l (H)
< 180 µg/l (F)
Insulin-like growth factor, which is highly dependent on the growth hormone. The dosage of IGF-1 is considered to be safer than a random GH dosage.
SHBG or TEBG (Sex Binding Protein) view 25-30 pmol/l (H)
65 pmol/l (H)
> 35 pmol/l (H)
< 55 ou >75 pmol/l (F)
Protein that transport sexual hormones in the blood and hormones would not act without it.
Testosterone view 7000 pg/ml (H)
350 pg/ml (F)
< 6000 pg/ml (H)
<200 pg/ml (F)
Secreted by the testicles and ovaries, testosterone causes sexual features to appear in man.
Free testosterone view 280 ng/dl (H)
8 ng/dl (F)
< 200 ng/dl (H)
<5 ng/dl (F)
The free form of testosterone is the one that has a real activity.
Free T3 (triiodothyronine) view 3 ng/l < 2,3 ng/l It increases oxygen consumption in the tissues and accelerates growth and heart rate.
Free T4 (thyroxine) view 1,5 ng/dl < 1,1 ng/dl Complementary to T3.
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) view 1 µU/ml > 2 µU/ml It stimulates the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Transcortine (Cortisol binding globulin CGB) view 25-30 mg/l > 40 mg/l It ensures that cortisol is transported.

ml ........ Millilitre........ 0,001 litre
cl ......... Centilitre....... 0,01 litre
dl ......... Decilitre........ 0,1 litre
pg .................. Picogram..... 0,000000000001 Gram
ng .................. Nanogram .... 0,000000001 Gram
mcg (ou µg) ....Microgram ... 0,000001 Gram
mg ................. Milligram..... 0,001 Gram

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