

Insulin or sugar hormone

Insulin is produced by the pancreas, a gland situated in the middle of the abdomen. It stimulates energy and strengthens physical endurance. It strengthens arteries, the heart and muscles and keeps blood sugar at a useful level.
Without insulin, or when the cells do not fully absorb it, the sugar rate in the blood becomes too high and engulfs all the tissues. These high glycemia rates can particularly led to cardio-vascular risks and degeneration of the ocular system, along with a trend to obesity (the fatty tissue continues to produce sugars in the fat).
In order to optimise your insulin rates, you should eat a lot of high-fibre vegetables, do exercise and stop smoking.
Hormones Optimal values Pathological values Comments
Insulin 5 (< 10) µU/ml < 4 ou > 10 µU/ml Secreted by the pancreas. It keeps the blood sugar at an optimal level. Type 1 diabetes (insulindependant): lack of insulin in the blood. The person gets progressively thinner. Type 2 diabetes: due to an excess of insulin, the person become obese as he gets older.
Check your insuline level