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Spirulina: Fill up on vitamins and vitality!

Spirulina: Fill up on vitamins and vitality!


Increasingly famous as "superfood", spirulina is a complete nutritional supplement already prized by the Aztecs. Discover why even NASA recommends its consumption!

When man was strong and healthy

When man was strong and healthy

After studying the principles of the paleolithic diet, Anastore has developed an ideal snack for maintaining vitality between meals: CRO® bars, which only contain fruits – ­dried fruits and red fruits – with no preservatives or artificial flavours.

Rhodiola, a “secret defense” plant

Rhodiola, a “secret defense” plant

While depression has become the scourge of recent decades (it is even called “the evil of the century”), conventional medicine is offering more and more treatments to counter its symptoms. Unfortunately, antidepressants often have unpleasant side effects.


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